// PT-BR
Como traduzir visualmente os valores e importância de um residencial projetado para transformar um bairro para melhor?
Neste projeto desenvolvemos a identidade visual e algumas peças de marketing para a divulgação e venda de apartamentos de um residencial no bairro de Itaquera, zona leste de São Paulo. Conhecido anteriormente pela miséria e violência presentes nas favelas, essa região paulistana ganhou destaque e visibilidade após a construção do estádio de futebol que sediou a abertura da Copa do Mundo de 2014.
Aproveitando o momento de crescimento e renovação da região, a Imangai lançou um residencial versátil, com arquitetura moderna e um enorme cuidado socioambiental, trazendo valor e transformação a uma região extremamente carente.
Nosso desafio, então, era o de comunicar que este empreendimento era, ao mesmo tempo, precioso e acessível a todos.
// EN
How to translate visually the values and significance of a residential building designed to transform a neighborhood for the better?
In this project we have designed the visual identity and some marketing pieces for the promotion and sale of apartments of a residential complex in the district of Itaquera, east side of São Paulo. Previously known for the misery and violence present in the favelas, this region of São Paulo gained prominence and visibility after the construction of the football stadium that hosted the opening of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Taking advantage of the region's growing and renewing moment, Imangai launched a versatile residential building, with modern architecture and enormous socio-environmental care, bringing value and transformation to an extremely needy region.
Our challenge, then, was to communicate that this building was, at the same time, precious and accessible to everyone.
In this project we have designed the visual identity and some marketing pieces for the promotion and sale of apartments of a residential complex in the district of Itaquera, east side of São Paulo. Previously known for the misery and violence present in the favelas, this region of São Paulo gained prominence and visibility after the construction of the football stadium that hosted the opening of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Taking advantage of the region's growing and renewing moment, Imangai launched a versatile residential building, with modern architecture and enormous socio-environmental care, bringing value and transformation to an extremely needy region.
Our challenge, then, was to communicate that this building was, at the same time, precious and accessible to everyone.