Finais de ciclos são sempre carregados de medos, incertezas e ansiedade. Se é assim com adultos (que já passaram por muitos ciclos), imagina para crianças de 6 anos que estão prestes a deixar o lugar no qual mais passaram tempo e criaram vínculo na vida?
Mas e se essa mudança se transformar numa experiência lúdica e carregada de aventura e boas memórias?
Foi pensando nisso que, junto à equipe pedagógica do Experimental Integrado, transformamos os antigos certificados de conclusão do ensino infantil em um lindo e afetivo Passaporte para o Ensino Fundamental!
Com o formato e visual de um passaporte de verdade, bolamos textos e ilustrações que mostrassem toda a trajetória dessa criança até "voar" para uma nova aventura, em um novo prédio, com novos amigos e muito a aprender e descobrir.
O resultado foi o esperado: as crianças e famílias amaram, a transição da Escola de Infância para o Ensino Fundamental ficou mais leve, e o laço afetivo com a marca foi ainda mais fortalecido.
// EN
Cycle endings are always full of fears, uncertainties and anxiety. If this is the case for adults (who have already gone through many cycles), imagine for 6-year-old children who are about to leave the place where they have spent the most time and created the most bonds in life?
But what if this change becomes a playful experience full of adventure and good memories?
With this in mind, together with the pedagogical team of Experimental Integrado, we transformed the old certificates of completion of kindergarten into a beautiful and affective Passport to Elementary School!
With the format and look of a real passport, we came up with texts and illustrations that showed the child's entire trajectory until "flying" to a new adventure, in a new building, with new friends and a lot to learn and discover.
The result was as expected: children and families loved it, the transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School was lighter, and the emotional bond with the brand was further strengthened.
But what if this change becomes a playful experience full of adventure and good memories?
With this in mind, together with the pedagogical team of Experimental Integrado, we transformed the old certificates of completion of kindergarten into a beautiful and affective Passport to Elementary School!
With the format and look of a real passport, we came up with texts and illustrations that showed the child's entire trajectory until "flying" to a new adventure, in a new building, with new friends and a lot to learn and discover.
The result was as expected: children and families loved it, the transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School was lighter, and the emotional bond with the brand was further strengthened.